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Final Send-Off For Andover K-9 Grimm with Cancer

By January 21, 2022Uncategorized

K-9 Grimm got a full barking salute on Andover’s Main Street during his final ride around town.  The loyal K-9 was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer just days ago, after a decade of service with the Andover Police Department.


On Wednesday, January 19, 2022, Sergeant Connor took Grimm for his last ride in a cruiser from the Andover Police Station down Main Street. In the bitter cold, Grimm poked his head out the window and smiled as Connor waved to supporters who waved signs and shouted thanks to Grimm. About a dozen police cruisers followed them, many with other police dogs inside, barking their own tributes to Grimm.


Sergeant Connor and Grimm have been an exceptional team, serving the Town of Andover for ten years. This dynamic duo has done almost everything and did it with great success! They were at the Boston Marathon Bombing, the Watertown Standoff, they have competed in numerous USPCA dog trials, located missing people, apprehended criminals, and found over a hundred pounds of drugs over their career together. Mickey and Grimm also enjoyed educating the public, teaching about drugs and police work to the incoming freshmen of AHS every year since partnering up and were most famous for being the stars of, “Where’s Grimm Wednesdays”.


Grimm, we thank you for your service!

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