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Statement from the Massachusetts Coalition of Police July 30 2020

By July 30, 2020April 30th, 2023MassCOP and Police Reform

The Massachusetts Coalition of Police – representing over 4,300 members in 157 communities  statewide – wishes  to  publicly  acknowledge  and  express our gratitude to the bi-partisan group of 66 House lawmakers who stood up for what is right in the H4860 Police Reform debate.

Lawmakers Oppose H4860

Our Union has been strongly supportive of responsible police reform, and we have attempted to focus the Legislature on substantive changes that can be implemented  immediately. We have also pointed to issues that need more thorough study and debate in order to be fairly and safely administered.

Throughout this process, there have been a number of representatives who have been collaborative  and supportive  of efforts to create a fair and equitable police reform law. They have recognized that there are a number of proposals  in these bills that will endanger not only police officers, but the public as well. Because they were able to recognize these problems – and felt the process should be slowed down to examine these issues properly – they voted NO on H4860 as presented.

Scott A. Hovsepian
John E. Nelson
First Vice President
Robert W. Murphy

P: 508-581-9336
F: 508-581-9564

It takes a strong sense of right and wrong to resist the pressure some people are putting on these legislators. That is admirable.  It takes a strong intellect to recognize the problematic issues contained in these bills and to want them corrected. That is impressive. It takes a strong  will to stand up and be counted as a person who is interested in making law enforcement accountable, while maintaining fairness and due process. That is commendable.

Strong sense of right and wrong, strong sense of intellect, and strong will are all qualities we should be supporting in our legislators. We applaud these 66 legislators for their decisive and thoughtful action. Their vote has had a true impact on the remainder of this process and will affect the final outcome.

We ask that all  MassCOP members- and all constituents and members of the public- support these principled  and courageous   legislators, especially  those with challengers  in November.  Legislators focused on the safety of everyone in our communities  are an extremely valuable resource that we cannot afford to lose.


Scott Hovsepian

John Nelson
First Vice President

Robert Murphy

Timothy King
In-House Counsel