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Black-Latino Caucus Mindful of Additions to Policing Bill

By July 9, 2020July 30th, 2021MassCOP and Police Reform

As the Senate prepared to debate a sweeping reform of policing in Massachusetts on Thursday, the head of the Black and Latino Legislative Caucus was urging Democratic leaders in the House and Senate and Gov. Charlie Baker to remain “focused and committed” to the the core reforms the caucus requested at the start of the conversation over how to address systemic racism in law enforcement.

Rep. Carlos Gonzalez, a Springfield Democrat and the chair of the Massachusetts Black and Latino Legislative Caucus, wrote a letter on Wednesday to Senate President Karen Spilka, House Speaker Robert DeLeo and Baker warning of the risks that come with efforts to expand the scope of the police reform bill.

Senate leaders on Monday introduced a wide-ranging bill that went well beyond the police credentialing and use of force rules that the caucus has been seeking, and plans to debate that legislation on Thursday afternoon.

Gonzalez’s letter outlined the core principles that the caucus wants to see in a final bill, which likely needs to get to Baker’s desk before the end of the month if it has any chance of becoming law this session.

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