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Evening Briefs Session Extension MassCOP Support

By July 30, 2020January 8th, 2021MassCOP and Police Reform

Police Union Cheers Reps Who Opposed Reform Bill

The state’s largest police union is asking all 4,300 of its uniformed officers and members of the public to support the 66 House legislators who voted last week against a sweeping policing reform bill that the union said would put police and the public at risk. The Massachusetts Coalition of Police, which has members in 157 cities and towns, called it “admirable” and evidence of a “strong intellect” to recognize the problems in the bill and want to slow down the process to study them more closely. “It takes a strong sense of right and wrong to resist the pressure some people are putting on these legislators,” the union, led by President Scott Hovsepian, said in a statement. MassCOP said the union was asking all its members and the public to support the House legislators who voted no…

MassCOP & NAPO Action Alert! H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act, Cloture Vote Succeeds; Next Up Votes on AmendmentsRead More