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Dear NAPO Members,

On December 30th, a military appeals court ruled against Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s effort to throw out the plea deals for the 9/11 conspirators.  By upholding the peal deal, this decision will allow the plotters of one of the deadliest attacks on the United States, including mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, to plead guilty in exchange for being spared the death penalty.  NAPO strongly opposes the plea deals and has been following this case closely.  In addition to communicating our disgust with the plea deals to the Administration, we sent the attached letter to Secretary Austin, the trial judge, and the chief prosecutor urging that the deals be rejected.

NAPO strongly views these plea deals as an affront to all those who gave their lives on 9/11 and in the weeks, months, and years after.  We will continue to advocate for the families of those who died and the survivors of the terrorist attacks and will work to ensure the perpetrators get the justice they deserve.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Thank you,


Andrea Edmiston

Director of Governmental Affairs

National Association of Police Organizations

317 S. Patrick Street

Alexandria, Virginia 22314

703.549.0774 (direct)

703.667.0400 (cell)

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