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Welcome to the Massachusetts Coalition of Police newly revised blog. Masscop has worked extremely hard with our tech professionals to update our website, blog, and has become members of Facebook and Twitter. We feel that these advancements in social media will bring about the best communication to our membership. Spend some time checking out the new website, our Facebook page, and follow us on Twitter. This is a work in progress. We are going to be trying new things as time goes on. Initially we are looking forward to every single member having their own log-in. This will give us the ability to give every member their own log-in page. There will be information available to our members that the general public will not have access. We will also be trying different things such as implementing forums and comments to the blog and website. All of this is to be able to provide the best service possible to the membership of the largest police union in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Welcome!!!!!!_Top_

MassCOP & NAPO Action Alert! H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act, Cloture Vote Succeeds; Next Up Votes on AmendmentsRead More