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The Massachusetts Coalition of Police is requesting that all of our members participate by helping Tyler Seddon celebrate his 7th birthday. Tyler is a young man from Rhode Island who is battling cancer. All he wants for his 7th birthday are birthday cards from law enforcement and public safety personnel. Please take a minute and send Tyler a card for his birthday. He will be turing 7 on March 6th and we would like to see cards from MCOP locals as part of his celebration. Send them individually, from your department, or from your local, but please send a card. Cards can be sent to: Tyler Seddon 96 South Main Street, Pascoag, RI, 02859. 


MassCOP & NAPO Action Alert! H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act, Cloture Vote Succeeds; Next Up Votes on AmendmentsRead More