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Opposition to House Bill 4121

By June 4, 2014General Content

We have been receiving a number of questions on a recent gun control bill filed by House Speaker Robert Deleo. The Massachusetts Coalition of Police submitted written testimony to the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security in opposition of House Bill 4121 An Act Relative to the Reduction of Gun Violence. Our reasoning is that we do not agree with the change in what can disqualify you for a license to carry a firearm in this bill. In the current legislation, if you are convicted of a misdemeanor that carries a punishment of more than two years, you are disqualified. This bill reduces that time to one year. This could negatively impact some of our members who had previously qualified and had no issues in the past. In some cases it could potentially terminate employment. This is the one issue within the bill that has an effect on our membership’s employment. There may be other issues that you do not agree with, or agree with in the bill. In any case, you should call your local State Representative and let them know that you are not in favor of this bill. As always, we have to do that in a respectful, professional manner. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your Area VP.  See the link below to the General Court member listing for your Representative’s contact information.

Mass House of Representatives


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